• Yin Yoga Class - October 6, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Coming Back”

    There are times in our life when we are temporarily taken out of our yang world either by choice (a long vacation, an extended retreat or even grad school) or we are taken out by chance (a surgery, an accident, a care giving responsibility). Coming back to the busy-ness of the wor...

  • Yin Yoga Class - October 2, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Power of the Pause”

    Noticing our pauses is a reminder that pausing now and then is an act of self-love. Noticing the pauses in your breath and in between your thoughts and sensations interrupts your auto pilot and brings you immediately back to the present moment, where life happens. In th...

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 29, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Are you Entitled?”

    Let no one keep you from your journey. Your life is a grand experiment that has never occurred before. You can lay claim to your uniqueness. You can make anything you want out of your life. Who DO you think you are? Explore.

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 25, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing into Our Sacred Circle of Live”

    “You want to be tough? You want to be a warrior? You want to be invincible? Then, show the whole world your heart”. Doug Good Feather.
    Your sacred circle is always with you and reminds you every day that wherever you go for the rest of your life, you ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 22, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Exploring Emotions, Creating a Safe Container with Compassion”

    Our normal human response it to want to run from difficult emotions or stuff them inside. But running away from or stuffing our emotions is only a temporary solution. We cannot run from what lives in our heart. Our body keeps scor...

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 18, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Come Restore Under the Super Full Harvest Moon”

    The Harvest Moon is the time we give thanks for all the goodness of this planet in nature while having gratitude for the food we can grow and harvest. Go outside under the full moon, take a few slow deep breaths and feel the moon’s energy on your...

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 8, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Sounds of Silence”

    Silence can actually be a nourishing part of your life, as the value of silence is infinite. Finding moments of silence in your life lowers your stress level and lowers your production of cortisol. Silence brings self-awareness as the quiet allow you to connect with yo...

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 4, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Happiness as Your Truth”

    In our western culture, happiness can be forgotten or buried under our piles of work and to-do lists. But if we choose we can reorient ourselves every day toward happiness. We have been given the gift of each day to do with as we please. We can waste it, or we can use ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - September 1, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Mindfulness: The 5 Practices to Nurturing Happiness, Part 3 of 3” from Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist, the Father of Mindfulness

    Summary: What is our challenge as we practice mindfulness? We must first remember to come home to ourselves, to our breath that anchors us to this present m...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 28, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Mindfulness: The 5 Practices to Nurturing Happiness, Part 2 of 3” from Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist, the Father of Mindfulness”.

    Today, were you able to say, “Today, I noticed?”. Here we explore the first 3 pathways to nurturing happiness: letting go, inviting positive seeds, a...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 25, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Elusive Impermanence of Happiness and the Introduction to the 5 Practices to Nurturing Happiness, Part 1 of 3” from Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist, the Father of Mindfulness.

    Happiness and suffering are two opposites that are always with us. Your happiness will wither if you do ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 21, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Life is Short: What Matters Most?”

    Continuing to explore the depths of mindfulness we are encouraged to ask each day, “What is compassion asking of me today?”. It has been said, mindfulness and compassion are two wings of a bird. We need both to be free and to fly, practicing compassion first ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 18, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Come Relax Under the Full Blue Super Sturgeon Moon”

    Under this magnificent moon you are inspired to go outside and have a relaxing and restoring moon bath. Feeling the healing energy of the moon on your skin. Taking a walk around your neighborhood and breathing in the healing lunar energy and ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 14, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Mindfulness: The Practice of Attitude, Element 3”.

    Mindfulness is your invitation to slow down in the present with awakened awareness, as well as the attitude of compassion, kindness, curiosity. It is your path to clarity and wisdom. Every day as you wake up, you have a choice to live in th...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 11, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Mindfulness and the practice of Attention, plus Intention”

    As we explore the power of Attention, we elevate the power of Mindfulness. Again, this is simple but not easy. Attention involves observing the operation of your experiences from moment to moment. With practice you can begin to focus...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 7, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Mindfulness and the Power of Intention”

    It is said that there are 3 elements to more deeply understand the power of Mindfulness: Intention, Attention and Attitude.
    “Intentions set the compass of our heart in the direction we want to steer our life”. Our Intentions can be the blueprint to ou...

  • Yin Yoga Class - August 4, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Path of Mindfulness”

    We begin a series of classes diving deeper into the power of Mindfulness: a basic power of the mind as well as an intentional practice. We are training our mind to change our life. We are powerful and we matter as we explore who we really are…who we already are. With...

  • Yin Yoga Class - July 31, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “When Life Gets Messy”

    When life hits you with its messiness, pause and remember that you are not alone. We are all interconnected. And, we have the ability to observe when messiness is beginning and take a deep breath and pause. Take a step back and observe. In the present moment, there are ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - July 21, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing and Restoring Under the Full Buck Moon”

    It is time once again to go outside and experience a “moon bath” under the magnificent full buck moon. Feeling the moon’s healing energy on your skin and in every cell of your body. Remembering your intention(s) and visualizing the miracle of ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - July 17, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Hydration: Water for Body and Soul”

    Here is your new mantra: “Sip More, Feel Better”. Proper hydration can and will change your life. In our Western culture we tend to ignore or downplay the need to hydrate, to our detriment. Studies show that not only will you improve your quality of lif...

  • Yin Yoga Class - July 14, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Finding Your Silver Linings”

    Remembering the “leaky bucket” from last class, can you also broaden your perspective re: your personal leaky buckets? You have the power, when you perceive something goes “wrong” in your life, to find beauty and opportunity all around you. Not ignoring your strug...

  • Yin Yoga Class - July 10, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Perception and Reality”

    It is easy for us as humans to think that life is not “fair” when life does not go the way we expect. The good news is, we have the power to recognize our innate pessimism (our “negativity bias”) as a habit that can be changed. We have the power to pause, take a step b...

  • Yin Yoga Class - July 7, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Shoshin: The Zen Beginner's Mind”

    Shoshin is Japanese for the Zen Beginner’s mind. When someone is more intellectually humble, in a state of Shoshin, they are viewed by others as knowing more, presumably because they are more receptive to new information as well as other’s perspectives. Foster...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 30, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Forest Bathing for Your Health”

    When you hear the words “forest bath” as you move along your journey, you will have a new vision of taking control of your health out in nature. Find a forest or a park or a backyard full of trees, turn off your mobile devices, slow down, take slow deep breaths ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 26, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Finding Balance Within Your Emotions = Liberation”

    I am planting a seed that you may begin to befriend all of your emotions; pleasant or unpleasant. It is your choice to decide to compassionately sit with your emotions as they arise. Balance is always there waiting behind your emotional oppos...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 23, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Full Strawberry Moon”

    Enjoy the energy of the full flower moon when the wild strawberries in the northwest ripen and are ready to be picked. Feel the lunar energy in every cell of your body and remember the amazing human you have become. Recalling the meaning of wabi sabi: finding profoun...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 19, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “What is the Spark Behind Your Smile?”

    The root of a genuine smile begins with compassion, empathy and kindness. Explore the power and “ripple effect” of your smile. A smile can transform your life and those around you, known and unknown. The profound effects of a genuine smile include Joy, m...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 16, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Power of Beauty”

    “Beauty is Everywhere, but not everyone sees it.” Confucius. We, as humans, are “hardwired” for negativity bias. That is our human condition. However, there exists a negativity interrupter: Beauty. You have the power to shift your negativity default and transform your li...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 12, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Finding the Power of Stillness”

    Inner Stillness can be your superpower if you choose. With mindfulness comes stillness, patience, generosity and compassion. The human need for stillness is not a new concept. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French Philosopher, stated: “All of humanities problems ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 5, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Expanding Mindfulness with Gratitude”

    You can choose to live in the present moment, the only place where life happens. Then, you awaken to life and actually slow down, and you can experience Joy. Is it possible to enjoy the details of your life and find gratitude as you turn off your autopilo...

  • Yin Yoga Class - June 2, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Holding Space with Compassion and Grace”

    Holding space for someone is both a privilege and a responsibility. Learn what it takes to hold space for someone. It is simple but not easy. Begin by holding space for yourself first. Then when you hear the “call”, you will be better prepared for thi...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 29, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Cultivating the Garden in Your Mind”

    Every day we as humans are cultivating and planting seeds in our mind in the form of intentions, affirmations, thoughts, words and actions. And we often have the power to pull the toxic weeds that have grown in the garden of our mind: envy, greed, jealousy,...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 26, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing into Hope”

    We are all interconnected and moving through our life struggles together…keeping Hope Alive. Even in our darkest hours we are not alone. We are a community, a sangha, holding each other up via Hope and compassion and love and kindness and joy. No matter how dark things ar...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 22, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing and Restoring Under the Full Flower Moon”

    Come enjoy the energy of the Full Flower Moon. Breathe in the energy of the full moon as you relax and release into its energy. The beauty of the moon is a reflection of the beauty inside you. Go outside and enjoy an energizing “moon bath”.

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 19, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing and Releasing into Life’s Inevitable Changes”

    Choosing to embrace change in your life takes practice because life can be one intense roller coaster of change and uncertainty. There are no guarantees that what you are planning will happen, but this can be the beauty of change. With so...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 15, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Observing Sensations: The Key to Non-Reactivity”

    Controlling your sensations and emotions even when triggered means you are choosing to live in this present moment, releasing your dependence on your autopilot. You then move from your reactive mind into present mindfulness. In the present you a...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 12, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Expanding Your Life in This Present Moment”

    Life unfolds in “moments”. If we are not fully in the present, we may miss what is most valuable for our life journey. We may fail to realize the richness and the depth of our infinite possibilities, options, and transformation. Pema Chodron says: ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 5, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Escaping Our Limiting Beliefs”

    We all have limiting beliefs within us that are holding us back from the highest version of ourselves. The question becomes: shall I continue to live with them, or shall I begin to liberate myself from them? Once we accept that we are the only person who can do th...

  • Yin Yoga Class - May 1, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Exploring Your World of Shempas”

    Shempa is a Tibetan word for our reactivity when our buttons are pushed, and emotions are triggered. Its perfect translation is “attachment”. Behind our reactive knee jerk reactivity lie deeper emotions including anger, fear, shame. When we are triggered is i...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 28, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Releasing Tension While Exploring Curiosity”

    Choosing to explore your life with Curiosity allows you to open yourself to so many more possibilities and options. Then, you notice and explore the deeper “shadows” in your mind and body. Consider starting each day with these 2 words, “I wonder…”....

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 24, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relax and Restore Under the Full Pink Moon”

    Allow yourself the gift of experiencing the healing energy of the full pink moon. Go outside, have a moon bath, and breathe in the energy of the moon. Feel that energy on your skin. Breathe in your intention. Then, during the week pause and allow ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 21, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Don’t Believe Everything You Think”.

    As Neal Donald Walsh said, “I am telling you that your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you thought. And that truth is more unlimited than you can imagine.” A relaxed mind with thoughts settled allows the mind to open to the possibilitie...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 17, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Don’t Believe Everything You Think”.

    As Neal Donald Walsh said, “I am telling you that your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you thought. And that truth is more unlimited than you can imagine.” A relaxed mind with thoughts settled allows the mind to open to the possibilitie...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 14, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing and Releasing Your Rafts “

    Sometimes we need to release our “training wheels” to move ahead unencumbered along our journey. Sometimes what got us here will not get us “there”, and we get stuck. There are so many old “rafts” that you may be carrying that are holding you back from beco...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 10, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Impermanence: Finding Liberation and Freedom From Attachments”

    We explore the fact that we are not at the mercy of life’s impermanence. It is possible to set yourself free from grasping and clinging to things we want to be different and or permanent. It is possible to refrain from pushing dif...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 7, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Embracing Impermanence”

    Yes. Impermanence and change are inevitable in our life. However, we are not at the mercy of change. Once we begin to accept change and the fact that everything changes, this allows us the freedom to better manage life’s ups and downs. The bad news is nothing we enjo...

  • Yin Yoga Class - April 3, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Monkey Mind: Good or Bad?”

    You have the power to control your Monkey Mind by slowing your breath and moving into your parasympathetic nervous system. You have the power to lock up your monkeys. Then, you can move from the Monkey Mind toward a more Monk-like mind, focusing on this present ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 31, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Great Escape”

    The wisdom of no escape allows us to walk along the path of living in the present moment with “no exit”. This means facing uncertainty and “not Knowing”. When we awaken to the present moment, we agree to face life in all of its manifestations, fearlessly and with grace. Wha...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 27, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Re-Wiring Your Brain Through Neuroplasticity”

    Our brain is always changing, reorganizing, and re-wiring through neuroplasticity. How we use our brain continually changes it for better or for worse. Since we are born with “negativity bias”, it becomes important to take intentional steps toward...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 24, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Relaxing and Restoring Under the Full Worm Moon”

    The full worm moon refers to worm beetle larvae which begins to emerge from the thawing bark of trees at this time of year in the Northeast U.S. Come relax and restore under this moon’s energy. The full moon is the perfect time each month to Pau...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 20, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Exploring the Pursuit of Enlightenment”

    It is a wonderful time to be drawn to the experience of awakening…if you choose. Without the desire to awaken, there is a chance we may just wander through life in search of illusory ambitions, comforts, and pleasures. But when we begin to move along th...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 17, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Diving Into and Balancing Our Chakras”

    “Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack”. Henry Miller. The question becomes: Do we have the desire, curiosity and commitment to explore whatever our mind body has to offer?

    This is an introduction to the world of y...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 13, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “De-Stressing With the Three Basic Principles of Yin Yoga”

    How we practice Yin Yoga is much more important than the postures we practice. Yin Yoga is an inward practice designed to bring stillness to mind, body and breath. And, in this stillness we build an awareness of self “in the present mo...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 10, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Rethinking Judgment: Judgment vs. Compassion"

    Have you ever been misjudged for a trait you think you do not have? Can you recall how that made you feel? Can you remember that feeling next time you observe you are harshly judging yourself or another? As yogis, we understand that we cannot kn...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 6, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Unlocking Your Potential”

    It is possible to push your “reset button” and begin to tune into who you truly are. How? You can begin to look at circumstances in life without judgment, as teaching/learning opportunities to grow and be the highest version of yourself. Your so-called mistakes in l...

  • Yin Yoga Class - March 3, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “The Art of Consciously Slowing Down”

    Finding balance in your mind and body can be obtained through the simple act of slowing down. Slowing down is a gift you can give to yourself any time you are feeling the stress of the Yang world. This means taking a pause now and then, during your busy-ne...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 28, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Expanding Your Self-Care Energy”

    Expanding your self-care can sometimes mean stepping outside of your personal comfort zone into discomfort as you engage in a challenge. When this occurs, your self-care investment may give you something other than physical relief. Sometimes we need to do thin...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 25, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Celebrating the Full Snow Moon with Yin Yoga”

    Experience the energy of the Full Snow Moon on the comfort of your mat and feel gratitude for its healing energy. Under the enhanced energy of the full moon, know that the moon’s energy is elevating your heart’s desire, your intention. You are in ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 21, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Loving Yourself Unconditionally”

    Do you often feel you are your harshest critic? Perhaps it may be time to change how you look at yourself. We know that negative self-talk creates a pattern that leads to a habit that leads to toxic tapes running in you head over and over. These tapes may be ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 14, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Celebrate Yourself; Be Your Biggest Fan”

    When no one compliments you, learn to celebrate yourself. It is not up to others to keep you encouraged; it is up to you. Lasting encouragement comes from within. Celebrating yourself is a wonderful and important extension of your self-care and self-lo...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 11, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Why is it so difficult to Stay in This Present Moment?”

    Yoga takes us into this present moment, the only place life exists. The more you can keep bringing your mind back to this present moment, the stronger your mind becomes. Remember: “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday”. You ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 7, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Radical Self-Care”

    Radical self-care is a conscious daily practice of observing your mind and body, allowing you to sustainably nurture yourself. Of course, yoga and meditation are excellent choices for creating a healthy lifestyle. Practicing “equanimity” on your mat in Yin class will enable...

  • Yin Yoga Class - February 4, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Balancing Self-Care as We Care For Others”

    You cannot care for others over time without caring for yourself first. If the caregiver’s self-care is neglected, their immune system is compromised, and this can cause a decline in health. Bottom line: Carve out time for yourself as caregiver and wh...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 31, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Caring for Yourself Without Judgment”

    Your self-care begins by believing you deserve to be cared for. Self-care means you begin to develop a sensitivity to your emotional, mental and physical well-being. This concept is far from selfish. It springs from a desire to feel well enough to experien...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 28, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Opening Awareness to Self-Care and Self-Healing"

    Our natural state is a healthy balanced mind and body. But, sometimes we become out of balance for many reasons: our environment, our food intake, our sleepless nights, lack of moderate exercise, stress, and more. With knowledge and practice we...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 24, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Full Wolf Moon Yin Yoga”

    If you feel a bit scattered 48 hours before, during and 48 hours after a full moon, this means you are human. The energy of the full moon is a gift of powerful energy and beauty. You can channel that energy in a positive, healthy, and balanced way. Yogis and Yoginis ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 21, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    "Your Breath Matters"

    Prana is our life force, our Chi, our vitality. Yama is “the expansion of”. The practice of pranayama expands our life force and aids in better over all health. Pranayama allows us to have greater appreciation for the deeper movement of breath as it moves throughout our b...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 17, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Continuing to Explore the Breath: The Psychology of the Brain”.
    Continuing “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor,

    How we breathe affects our anxiety and stress levels. And our anxiety affects how we breathe. Breath control is mind control. With practice, you can notice w...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 14, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Diving Deeper Into Your Breath”. Continuing with “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor, 2020.

    Our body cannot breathe properly by default. Poor breathing causes inflammation in the body and dysfunction of the nervous system as we live mostly in our sympathetic nervous system ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 10, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “What is More Important Than Your Breath?” Based on the book: “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art”, by James Nestor, 2020.

    Breathing allows us a “hack” into our own nervous system, plus control of our immune system, restoration of our health and the ability to live longer. This class takes a...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 7, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Yin Yoga: A Journey Into Gentle Self Transformation”.

    The Sanskrit word for path is “marga”; meaning the way or path to a life of effortless awareness. This awareness can show us the way from our self-imposed struggles and suffering in our narrow focus of existence. Then, you can see the way ...

  • Yin Yoga Class - January 3, 2024

    1 video  |   Rent $9.99

    “Finding Your Inner Balance and Strength Through Yin Yoga”

    Through your Yin Yoga practice, you will begin to connect with your breath, gentle Yin postures and a final guided meditation. This Yin practice opens the door to the inner connectedness of your mind, body, subtle body and most importan...